Cub Uniform

At 2nd Cradley we like to look smart and presentable. We insist that all members wear the minimum of The Scout Association Cub Jumper and 2nd Cradley Scout Group Neckerchief/Scarf (Can be obtained when invested)

There are other items of uniform available that we recommend such as The Scout Association trousers. They made from very good material and have the scout logo on them. They are smart and useful when we parade, Any other black trousers and shoes are expected for parades

Note for clarity, the badges on the Right sleeve are:

Top Most name tape: Colony/Pack/Troop Name, i.e. Wolf

Second name tape: Group name tape, i.e. 2nd Cradley (St Peters)

(Left (facing the front of the shirt)) District badge, i.e. Halesowen

(Right (facing the front of the shirt)) Country badge, i.e. West Mercia